Students may apply for an assessment to be remarked within five working days of the results for the assessment being made available (formative and summative assessment) or having viewed the assessment (summative assessment).
The Office of the Registrar must respond to the appeal within five working days of the appeal being lodged.
Remarking is completed by a different marker that is selected by the site.
Remarking must be completed within five working days of the remark being granted.
The result of the remark will stand, regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the original mark.
For oral assessments: the marking material (rubric/ memo) is reviewed.
A fee is charged for re-marking.
The re-mark fee is refunded if:
- The new mark is 10% higher than the original mark.
- The new mark is a pass mark, and the original mark was a failing mark.
- There is an administrative (incorrect capturing) or technical (incorrect adding of marks) error.
Any request for a remark of the syndicate assessment must be agreed to by the majority of syndicate members.